
Betrayal of public trust

This book is meant to prick the concience of all those people who have taken different oaths and have sworn to abide by certain rules, that they should do so without wavering and anytime and cost.

Dont Hesitate

Majority of individuals have excellent ideas on what they want to achieve in life but they do very little about it. On the other hand are those who dare not hesitate in implementing what they know

How to make money in forex

With the knowledge shared in this book, you are many steps ahead in your trading journey, therfore be patient to Learn before Earning

Walk in honour

From South Sudan to Australia, Deng was not one to simply thank God and begin an easy life. He began thinking of ways to help the disadvantaged in his home country.

The proud people

The Proud People is a direct translation of stories, histories and traditions recorded, archived, and shared orally from generation to generation. The book is an extreme insight into the Dinka

The pari in the luo community

Geography and the people: crandle land and migrations, traditions, culture and power

The heavenly side of hell

This is a useful life companion. The book is meant to open our eyes that we may see positive things even in the mounting waves of negativity around us


Matata is prose poetry packed in a novella-in-flash by South Sudanese creative writer Victor Lugala.

Abyei between the two Sudans

This is a combination of honest narratives
and rigorous scholarship, where time and place intertwine, personalities and social networks are infused and shaped by each other.

A better tomorrow

This masterpiece has practical yet insightful nuggets of wisdom that speak to the reader in a personal way.

Mission to Niangara and back

Mission to Nyiangara and Back is an attempt to rekindle the memories of some of Raphael Abiem’s companions whose contributions to the liberation of Southern Sudan would be forgotten.

SPLM/SPLA: History of Liberation

This is a short and an insightful account of what happened, and why it happened, in the Old Sudan between the North and the South leading to the breaking up of the country into two.

The timing is right

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